Hydraulic Steels

There is a multitude of engineering workshops throughout Australia supplying hydraulic repair and manufacturing services. Such businesses operate under intensely high pressures – their customers depend on repairs being made as fast as possible. Traditional hydraulic steel suppliers are not geared towards these businesses and this is where Hydraulic Steels Australia has forged a competitive edge for themselves – they specifically specialise in hydraulic steels.
Clarifying the products
Hydraulic Steels Australia was well established, however their marketing material had been developed at different times and was a little inconsistent. Their stock list of items had diversified and so there was a need to clearly communicate the product range and service offering.

We researched the competition and spent time with Hydraulic Steels Australia so that we really understood their business. Working with them we formulated a marketing position, which is based on them stocking the widest range of specialist steels. This became the central theme when working on concepts for their symbol and logo.
Branding image for Hydraulic Steels Australia
Sketch concepts for the brand identity logo for Hydraulic Steels Australia
Widest range
A core attribute we wanted to combine with the idea of the widest range was the sense of reliability and a shield was chosen to convey this combined with cylinder tubes of varying wall thicknesses. 
Brand identity truck livery for Hydraulic Steels Australia
We now have a consistent identity being used throughout all of our material which communicates clearly our product offering.

Stephen Holt
Managing Director, Hydraulic Steels Australia
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